Dejawu Guitars has a new website!

Hi everyone,

Welcome to our first blog post! We are proud to announce that Dejawu Guitars has a brand new website. In the About section, you can read our story and we’ll introduce all the members of Team Dejawu. We also have completely updated our website with a Guitar Gallery, you can explore how to customize your own Dejawu Guitar, and you can find the models we currently have in stock under Currently Available. Furthermore, you can read our blog posts, keep you posted on news updates and background stories and follow all the Dejawu stuff that happens both online as offline under News&Media!
In the past few years we have been on many adventures with Dejawu Guitars. Particularly during our visits to China, always something totally unexpected, incomprehensible or inexplicable happens. Whether it is a local TV-crew that suddenly awaits us for an interview after a very long journey without any notification upfront, an impromptu visit to a copper factory, embroidery museum or a fancy looking hotel that is completely under construction, or an unplanned meeting with the major, bank CEO’s and other local dignitaries. We are not easily surprised anymore! It has been quite an experience to say the least. However, we are very grateful for all the people we have met, the places we have visited, the delicious food we have eaten, the things we have learned and the great fun we have had. And, of course we could not be more proud of the guitars that we have been able to create together. We are looking forward to make one especially for you.

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Have any questions or want to share something with us? Please don’t hesitate to contact us or leave a comment below :)

Team Dejawu